Monday, June 18, 2012

Dad in Training: What have you done for me lately?

Lunch break with my beautiful wife
This past Father’s Day Sunday, Sarah and I spent the day with instructor Michele (one “L”) and five other "expecting" couples at Mount Sinai Hospital getting an intensive crash course on what to expect in the next few weeks leading up to our son’s birth day.

Our mothers took Lamaze courses in the 1970s, today our friends have recommended The Bradley Method and our chillaxed OB/GYN said that simply taking “a hospital course” would be good. The decision on which route to take was not guilt-free (oh, goody, it starts already). Were we somehow depriving our boy of his opportunity to become president, Nobel prize-winner and/or an astronaut because we were only taking a hospital course? (Or is his fate already sealed because I have yet failed to serenade him in utero with a Rachmaninoff etude?)

Most folks seem to think Sarah and I will be at least fair parents because 1) I am an ER nurse and generally know when it is best to take your child to the emergency room (almost never) and 2) Sarah has been editing articles about families and children for her entire professional career. Of course, our collective experiences have not prevented us from still being mostly terrified about our next big adventure. And just in case us future-tense parents ever start feeling too confident, we’ve got plenty of present-time parents to sigh, shake their head slowly and remind us that we can’t possibly know anything. Awesome.

Our class, for me, did not start out well. I was fully prepared to give my name and rank (husband, 2nd class), but I was not prepared for the question that came next.

“What kind of reading have you done leading up to this class?”

HuhWHAT? No one told me there was homework due! Does watching back to back episodes of MTV's "16 and Pregnant" count? Sarah’s father, a super big time labor lawyer, used to teach at Cornell University and he always had an assignment due for the first day of class. Catching mere mortals with their academic fancy-pants down. I can’t believe I’ve been “Arthur B. Smith Jr-ed” on Father’s Day!

Ironically, I actually had done some reading before class. But true to form my entire academic career, anytime anything is posed to me in the form of a test question, I fail. I sheepishly mumbled something meant to be funny about torturing my wife with pictures and diagrams from one of my nursing school textbooks. [cue chirping crickets]

Meanwhile, back in a world devoid of brain farts, I just finished a book by humorist and author Joel Stein, called Man Made: A Stupid Quest for Masculinity. In addition to making me laugh out loud at least once per chapter, this book ultimately helped put me at ease as fatherhood rapidly approaches.

Stein confesses, “I should be lighting a cigar, high-fiving the doctor, and grabbing my genitals to celebrate that my sperm are manly, even for sperm. But when I look at the tiny splotch of Doppler weather pattern on the screen and Cassandra’s obstetrician says it means we’re probably having a boy, I do not do any of these things. Instead I have my first panic attack…I am merely picturing having to go camping and fix a car and use a hammer and throw a football and watch professionals throw footballs and figure out whether to be sad or happy about the results of said football throwing.”

I'm not exactly a real guys' guy and so, like Stein, I feel somewhat under-prepared to raise a proper boy. In addition to growing up with two sisters, more than half of my friends growing up were female. The other half were dudes I met while playing Master Charley Bates in my high school musical production of Oliver. They did not give out letterman jackets for being in 2 separate choirs my junior and senior years. I was even in the Orchesis dance troupe. And not just one of the cool guys-only hip-hop dance numbers…I went to practice every day, I caught flying ballet dancers and wore cartoon character costumes too. This earned me exactly ZERO dates with gorgeous dancers. I guess tap-dancing Snoopy, not so much a sex-symbol with the ladies. Shocking, I know.

Marc in the middle, red suspenders to match the girls' shiny red leotards while singing Billy Joel's "For the Longest Time."
Today, when I walk past groves of pre-teen boys hanging out in the parks of NYC, I look at them wondering to what kingdom, phylum and species they belong. How will I prepare my son to interact with such creatures who do not know what a Jazz square is? (Heathens)

Stein’s answer to our dilemma was to set out on a journey of self-discovery, challenging himself to some of the manliest activities known to man. Among other things, there was camping with Boy Scouts, running with firefighters, shooting with tanks, and fighting with mixed martial art legend Randy Couture.

Flipping through my HARDCOVER edition on the subway (take that you iPad, snooky-Nook, Kindle-reading girly-men), my own confidence grew with every page turn. I was an actual Cub, Webelos and Boy Scout. Our family vacations almost always began with us pulling up to a campsite long after dark and trying to erect an enormous canvas tent supported by roughly 1500 separate sections of indistinguishable aluminum poles. And before I started making an ass of myself auditioning for musicals, choirs and dance troupes, my mom made sure I tried the things I was supposed to try.

“Marc, we live in Chicago now. In Chicago, they play ice hockey. You are going to play ice hockey.”

As an adult, I was an EMT, and I am currently an ER nurse (the second most manly kind of nurse there is). And while I won’t be Mr. February on any fund-raising calendars wearing just my drawstring scrub bottoms, I kind of get what the firefighter life is like. 

My son will watch the original Karate Kid, many times. Because there is no such thing as too much awesome.
My few years of Karate study at the West Side YMCA (oh, yes, Daniel LaRusso, make no mistake about it, this is a very real Karate dojo), ensured I got hit plenty of times by men and women who were only referred to as Jun Shihan, Kyoshi and Sensei. Getting hit by people called “sensei” is serious business.

Reading Stein's book encouraged me to consider the truth and totality of my actual life-experiences, not merely my own viscous, ethereal perceptions of who I am.

Stein concludes, “You change not by deciding, but by doing. We fetishize epiphanies, but only experience changes you. Just like the act of smiling makes you happy, climbing a log tower makes you confident, taking punches makes you tough…I’ve never understood what people mean when they talk about spending time alone to find themselves…The idea that we’re each a black box we have to unlock always baffled me. I’m the sum of my experiences and my reaction to those experiences.”

Yes, when I had the choice to play JV football in high school, I turned it down because, in a school that had at least a dozen different plays and musicals every school year, I was still worried that I would miss an audition. I loved me some musical theater. Still do. But today, I’m also going to be a father who is going to figure out a way to make sure my boy is a Chicago Bears and not New York Giants or Jets fan. Right after we act out West Side Story’s “Cool.”

“Boy, boy, crazy boy…stay cool boy…gotta rocket in my pocket…”

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dad in Training: Penny for your thoughts

In the most recent issue of Kiwi Magazine, editorial director (and world's greatest wife), Sarah Smith asked me to share a few thoughts about impending fatherhood. The following is what we had to say:

Muddy dog gets impromptu bath in chilly stream
Any day now, our dog Penny (and our cat Pepper) will have to make room for the new little guy my husband Marc and I are expecting in July. We've read the advice in "Let's Get a Pet!" (page 54) and are planning on bringing a baby blanket home from the hospital fro Penny to snuggle. Wish us luck!

As we spend this Father's Day waiting for the baby, I've asked my husband to share what he thinks about adding a not-so-furry member to our pack.

For the record, we did not pick our pets as child-substitutes or parent-training tools. However, it's impossible to ignore the fact that they've taught me a few things I'm confident will help me earn a "World's Best Dad" mug one year.

1. I'm an excellent pooper-scooper--bring it on, baby, I'm ready!
2. Sometimes you keep the leash short and tight, other times, you just have to let them run free.
3. No matter how much you beg, bribe, huff, and puff, sometimes your baby isn't going to listen to you and will end up chasing after someone or something you don't approve of.
4. Even if you get frustrated and upset, at the end of the day, when you've dragged yourself home from work and you are greeted by "headbutt hugs" and sloppy kisses, you know that it's all worth it.

From our growing family to yours, Happy Father's Day, and have a great summer with your kids!

Sarah Smith
Editorial Director
Kiwi Magazine

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Driving Me Crazy: Leave me and my hybrid car alone.

2012 Toyota Prius C
Automotive news and reviews website,, recently published a review of the latest hybrid car to join Toyota's Prius family. 

Remember the old days when the Prius was just a singular hybrid car that ignited the scorn and derision of so-called automotive enthusiasts (how dare you sully my internal combustion with protons and electrons, how dare you, good sir)? 

Well now the Prius is an entire family of hybrid vehicles, some a little bigger (Prius V), some a little smaller (Prius C), than the original, but all of them just the right size to fire up the comments section of any article or posting that dare praise such blaphemous automobiles. In this regard, the compact-car-sized Prius C does not disappoint. 

Other than the "this car is boring to drive," the general cloud of scorn centers around the undeniable fact that a similar sized, non-hybrid car is so much cheaper to buy that even with improved mileage, it would be years and years before you "broke even" on your premium purchase. A dollars and cents analysis of hybrid vs comparable gasoline-only models is never going to result in victory for the hybrid (at least in the short term while gas prices continue to hover in the $3.50-$4.00 range). 

I know, I get it. Enough already. Can we move on?

Because for me that's besides the point. I mean, when folks are shopping conventional vehicles they make choices based on issues other than economic efficiencies and somehow that's okay. No one questions the economic sense of opting for sport-tuned suspension, summer-spec performance tires over low-rolling-resistance run-flats, the V6 versus the turbo 4-cylinder, etc.

2012 Toyota Yaris
But the hybrid buyer is constantly reminded that they are actually spending more money than they need to. They are criticized for their choices. reader, Nick Matteucci says, "you would have to hate your wallet to buy this [ Toyota Prius C] over the [Toyota] Yaris." 

2012 BMW M5
And no one ever says to the BMW M5 owner, "wow, you must really hate your wallet, don't you know that a BMW 528i is $40,000 cheaper and only 2 seconds slower? How dare you be so stupid and self-righteous and superior acting to have bought a M5, what a waste?!" No one tells the prospective M5 owner that what he should actually buy, based on economics and the needs of his family, is a 4-cylinder Toyota Camry.

And yet, this is what happens, at least in these automotive forums, to hybrid supporters and/or owners. All the critics are suddenly accountants, and will offer up a virtual spread-sheet full of numbers to prove that buying a hybrid makes no financial sense.

So it's okay to be "financially irresponsible" when buying modern day muscle car, 4-door sports sedan, or an SUV, but it's not okay for the hybrid buyer to be motivated by something other than dollars and cents when he steps on the showroom floor?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dad in Training: What's your name?

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about names. Last time around it was easy. Our dog, adopted from the Thompkins County SPCA in Ithaca, NY, needed a name that wasn't also the name of an off-brand soda collective. It didn't take long for my whip-smart wife to crack off the perfect name. Penny. Short for Penelope. Loyal, clever and true, in Homer's Odyssey, Penelope put off suitor after suitor seeking her hand and the throne, while  waiting for her husband Ulysses to return home to Ithaca from his battles in the Trojan War. Plus, we both thought Penny was a pretty name.

Almost 2 years later, we've got to come up with another name. And this time Homer hasn't been quite as helpful. Our little guy, giving us the High Five in the picture on the right, is going to be ready to be called something other than the adorable nicknames he's already acquired come late July. (How adorable? Too adorable for public consumption of course. Think puppies sleeping or kittens snuggling. Or sleeping puppies snuggling with kittens.)

At first people were quick to offer up suggestions, but after a day or two that well dried up. Maybe, like clothes, it's more fun to shop for girl names? Or maybe it had to do with our rule that you could only suggest names you liked. People sometimes love telling you all the "crazy" names you should never name your child.

", of course not...we would never name our child 'Rumer' (pronounced 'rumor')." With thanks to comedian Jeff Foxworthy, "You might be a crazy celebrity parent if..."

Fortunately, our struggle is not unique, and the world-wide web offers us lists. Lists of the most popular names, searchable by year. But wait, my child is unique and special and better than your child, and I am a fiercely independent Gen X-er, so why would I ever consider a popular name? Okay, forget the internet--the internet is for commoners. There must be something else? Something ancient and mysterious and helpful? Books, you say? What are these ancient tomes you speak of? Tell me more.

Baby name books come in many sizes and shapes. They have über-clever titles like 50,000+ Baby Names! The Baby Name Bible, 100,000+ Baby Names, and my favorite, the ironically titled The Complete Reverse Dictionary of Baby Names: Baby Names Made Easy. I'll pause now for a minute or two while you try to wrap your head around the concept of a "reverse dictionary of baby names."

Got it yet? No me neither. Let's move on then.

Anything that calls itself a bible must be definitive right? Plus it's got "50,000+" names in it. FIFTY THOUSAND! But wait, this other book has "100,000+" names. If my math is correct, that is twice as many names.

Before we see what actual gems these books have to offer, can we briefly discuss the "+" part of all three of these book's titles or subtitles? I imagine that some worn out editorial assistant got all the way up to 50,000 or 100,000 and then said, "No more counting for me. I'm done." What would have happened if editor of the "100,000+" book took his or her clearly superior stamina over to the "50,000+" book publisher's office?

The bible is easier to navigate than the reverse dictionary. First, go to the back half of the book for boys names, pick a letter and start reading. Each name comes with an explanation for your more complete understanding. The following is an actual entry:

"CELLO. Word name. If Viola is a credible girl's name, why not the mellow Cello for a boy?" (pg. 350)

Yes, why not? What a helpful suggestion! mellow. I don't know though, what if you feel--in your belly--that you are going to have an agile child with a wide range of interests...Basoon? Do you expect raising a child to be a challenge...then French Horn is definitely your name.

After reading this actual musical suggestion in an actual book that is available from actual retailers, I promptly announced to my wife that I would be writing a baby name book. And the following was my actual first entry (I swear, ask her):

DOOR. Word name. Strong and solid, Door will both keep you safe and welcome you into his heart.

Of course 100,000+ beat me to it. "Dor" as it turns out is actually a Hebrew name for boys that means "generation." (pg. 494)

So, despite the suspect math and loosely defined use of the phrase "baby names," I guess these books still have a place in the preparation phase of becoming a dad. Breeze past the names that aren't for you, and think more about the others that strike the right chord.

Feel free to post your suggestions in the comments section below.