Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm going to take a cue from my wife, Parenting Magazine Senior Editor and real-deal blogger, Sarah Smith (http://forums.parenting.com/blogs/blog/3578) and try and keep at least this post short, snappy and to the point.

And because I think it's been well documented that the line between tasty homemade blogs and "traditional" journalistic endeavors is disappearing faster than the Fannie May Christmas chocolates that are sitting on my kitchen table, I'll crib from my paper-based inspiration and present you with the very traditional Q&A format.

Who is Marc Bertucco?
Zzzzzzz....startle-snort....Huh? Oh, wait were you talking to me? I'm sorry I was so bored with your first question that I fell asleep. Actually for the answer to this question, I'll take a cue from my Vassar College creative writing professors who repeated the mantra, "show me, don't tell me." So keep on reading and you'll figure it out.

What will the "Ragweed Makes Me Sneeze" blog be all about?
Well just like previous editions of my terrestrial and internet radio programs, it will be a diverse mix of folk, blues, bluegrass, alt rock and world music. And by music I mean...

Wait, you're going to talk about music?
Sometimes, maybe. Mostly though I'm going to write about other things that interest me. In no particular order they are...

Bicycle racing (the greatest sport in the world)

Why will I want to read Ragweed Makes Me Sneeze?
Because, when I write for public consumption, I always ask myself the question "who cares?" And if the answer is just me and my cat Pepper...I will not post. Period.

So, you may not care about the anticipatory drama of many returning cycling heroes and anti-heroes to the 2009 Amgen Tour of California, but you may be shopping for a new family car and want to know about the latest and greatest from New York International Autoshow, or are wondering when it's okay to drop or substitute an ingredient from a highly-tested and rated recipe you found online.

Any resolutions for 2009?
Teach my cat karate.


  1. Two karate champions in one tiny apartment? The fur will be flying!

  2. http://www.songsforteaching.com/humanbodyanatomyphysiology/allergiesragweedblues.htm. Check it out.
